Steps To Prepare Your House For This Summer
Summers are actually exciting because you can spend those long evenings with your family and enjoy the quality time. It is the time for grilling, gardening, dusting off the patio set, and seeping in the warmth and sunshine. But summers also mean that you have to give attention to your house. During summers, you must take the time to complete the maintenance of your home and prepare it for months ahead. By preparing the house, you can prevent the damage that can occur in the hot weather condition.
#1 Inspecting And Servicing Your Air Conditioning System:
What could be worse than breaking your AC system when the summer is in full swing. Additionally, most of the HVAC services would be booked, which means you would have to wait for a long time to get your AC repaired. But if you inspect your AC system beforehand and get all the repair work done, then you won’t have to worry about it during summers. You must check out your air conditioning system to ensure it'll keep you cool in the months ahead. While inspecting the AC system:
- Replace or repair the clogged and dirty filters. If you don’t change it, it will make the system work harder and reduce the cooling effect. It also means that you would have to use more electricity to keep it running the entire day.
- Check the cooling efficiency.
- Inspect the circuit breakers, water unit, and exhaust fan. Check whether they are all in working condition or not.
If not, get them repaired as soon as possible.
#2 Clean the Roof And Look Out For Damages:
Giving a quick look at the roof after cleaning it will help you to know whether it needs repair or replacement. Properly inspect the shingles (damaged/ curled-up or missing), flashing, and entire surface. You must observe the caulk around pipes or skylights to be sure it hasn't cracked. Along with the roof, you can also check the home's exterior. It will help you to reveal minor problems that might have begun in winter. Then check the exterior paint for chipping. You can examine the surface by scraping and touching up any places that have exposed wood, to prevent rot. Get the issues fixed before they become major issues.
#3 Cleaning The Gutters & Downspouts:
Once you have checked the roof and exterior of your house, then pay attention to the uncleaned gutters and downspouts. Clean the gutters to see if there is any damage that needs to be repaired. If you don’t fix the issues, the damage can lead to leaks that will enter your house and damage the interior. Align with gutters also to check the downspouts. Be sure water from the downspouts flows away from your house to keep it from collecting around the foundation. As dirty as this job can be, it's one that can save a lot of headaches and bigger problems down the road.
#4 You Must Get The Deck Repaired And Painted
We all know that the deck is a great place to enjoy the wonder of summer. Therefore, it is very essential to protect the wood on your deck from sun and water. First of all, remove dirt and grime with a power washer or deck cleaner and let it dry. Once dried, inspect the surface for damages or broken areas or gaps. Fix the issues and then apply a stain and a fresh coat of paint. You must seal your deck with an outdoor wood stain, sealant, or paint to ensure its longevity. If you keep your deck well-maintained, then it would last for long and if neglected, the deck may only last a few years.
#5 Preventing Water Damage:
Summers is not just about hot temperatures. It can also be stormy at times. In such dangerous times, you must check the entire house, including the basements for leaks or cracks. The build-up dirt will aggravate the cracks and let the stormy water seep into the house and cause damage to the wall and wood. You must also examine your indoor ceiling for early signs of leaking, too. You might come across any dark water stains or peeling paint.
No doubt summers are all about fun, lounging at the beach, hosting barbecues, and enjoying water sports. But before summer arrives, you must prepare your house so that you don’t have to panic at the last minute. Following the above tips will help you in getting your house summer-ready. Well, you can be prepared for summer, with a few tweaks and inspections. It will be easy for you to make sure that you’re in good shape by the time summer arrives. In case, if you are unable to carry out the heavy cleaning and repairing work then you can always take help from the professional contractors who would get the work done within no time.
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